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Redstone Arsenal, AL Image 2

Redstone Arsenal, AL - Schools

Students who live on post will attend school in the Huntsville City School District as there are no schools located at Redstone Arsenal. Bus transportation is provided to on post students by the county (if 5 miles or more from their school) or by bus contractors. Off post students will attend Huntsville or Madison County schools, depending on where they live. Bus transportation is usually unavailable to off post residents but many schools have before/after school programs.

There is a dress code at Huntsville City schools so be sure to check their website or call for more details; contact information can be found in the search box below. Alternatively, parents may contact the Redstone Arsenal School Liaison Office at 256-842-9642, DSN 312-788-9642.

School Name School District Phone Number
Blossomwood Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7020
Chaffee Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7040
Challenger Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7060
Chapman (P-8) Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7640
Farley Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7160
Hampton Cove Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7180
Highlands Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7200
Jones Valley Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7220
Lakewood Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7240
Martin Luther King Jr. Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7100
McDonnell Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7280
Monte Sano Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7300
Montview Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7320
Morris Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7340
Providence Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7125
Ridgecrest Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7380
Rolling Hills Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7400
University Place Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7440
Weatherly Heights Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7460
Whitesburg (P-8) Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7780
Mountain Gap (P-8) Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7720
Goldman Schiffman Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7150
J. E. Williams Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7540
James Dawson Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7500
Endeavor (K-5) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4620
Harvest (K-5) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4590
Hazel Green (K-5) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4540
Legacy (K-5) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4630
Lynn Fanning (K-3) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4680
Madison County (K-8) Madison County Schools (256) 851-3290
Madison Cross Roads (K-5) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4600
Monrovia (K-5) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4570
Moores Mill Intermediate (4-6) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4700
Mt. Carmel (K-3) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4660
New Hope (PreK-8) Madison County Schools (256) 851-3260
New Market School (K-6) Madison County Schools (256) 851-3250
Owens Cross Roads (K-6) Madison County Schools (256) 851-3240
Riverton (K-3) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4650
Riverton Intermediate (4-6) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4640
Central School (K-8) Madison County Schools (256) 851-4670
Butler Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7950
Columbia Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7576
Grissom Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-8000
Huntsville Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-8050
Johnson Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-8100
Lee Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-8150
New Century Technology Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7800
Huntsville Center of Technology Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7810
Sparkman 9th Grade School Madison County Schools (256) 851-4560
Buckhorn Madison County Schools (256) 851-3300
Hazel Green Madison County Schools (256) 851-3220
Madison County Madison County Schools (256) 851-3270
New Hope Madison County Schools (256) 851-3280
Sparkman (10-12) Madison County Schools (256) 837-0331
Challenger Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7620
Chapman (P-8) Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7640
Hampton Cove Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-8380
Huntsville Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7700
Mountain Gap (P-8) Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7720
Westlawn Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7760
Whitesburg (P-8) Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7780
Williams Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7330
McNair Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7660
Buckhorn Madison County Schools (256) 851-3230
Meridianville Madison County Schools (256) 851-4550
Monrovia Madison County Schools (256) 851-4580
Sparkman Madison County Schools (256) 851-4610
Academy for Academics & Arts Magnet School Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7600
Academy for Science & Foreign Language Magnet School Huntsville City Schools (256) 428-7000
PACE Alternative Academy Madison County Schools (256) 859-1148
Career Technical Center Madison County Schools (256) 852-2170